Yoga Pose: Kriya of Chitta & Prana
Dec 31, 2024 12:00PM ● By Erica Mills
Photo by: Paul Rajeckas
Julianne Roshan Dow, MA, RYT 500, JSJCP
203-561-8125 • Kent •
Kriya of Chitta & Prana: According to Swami Kripalvanandji (1913-1981), the guru of the Kripalu Yoga Center, the Kriya of Chitta and Prana is the highest experience of yoga. “If a seeker learns the art of relaxing the body and mind at will, he has an important key for attaining introversion”. This tool for inner attunement cultivates a “fasting mind”; the mind devoid of its activity of thoughts, emotions and perceptions. It is the main entry-way for connecting to Divine Presence in a Meditation-in-Motion practice. We begin by sitting and bringing our attention to the breath and visualizing it drawing in and out through the center of the abdomen, chest and palms of the hands. We raise our hands to chest-height, palms facing one another and feel for that magnetic energy between the palms, becoming completely absorbed. As we continue to explore this magnetic density of the life force energy in the body we begin to allow energy felt deep within to inspire movement in the body (attention follows energy), or become completely still. This is a very calm and blissful place to be for the spiritual seeker of “that which we already are”.

Dow Integrative Institute - 23 Maple St, Kent, CT
Julianne Roshan offers an integrative non-invasive approach to holistic healing and wellness through ancient and hospital researched modalities, such as Jin Shin Jyutsu, Yoga Nidra, Medit... Read More »