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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Astrological Energy for June: The Planet Mercury is Direct

May 31, 2022 03:00PM ● By Alexa Lane
The Sun entered the sign of Gemini on May 22. Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, has been in retrograde motion in Gemini since May 10. Mercury moved back into Taurus on May 24 and will be back in Gemini on June 14. Mercury is associated with the intellect, transference of information and vocal and written communication.

During Mercury retrograde, anything involving communication, the exchange of information or technology can become disrupted. However, when Mercury is retrograde, it can also inspire a time of introspection and planting the seeds of growth. There is an opportunity to review and reflect upon past experiences, which, in turn, can elicit renewal.

On June 3, Mercury’s rhythm begins to flow forward, offering time to integrate the insight received during the retrograde.

Gemini Season
Gemini is a mutable air sign associated with a radically open mind, curiosity, speech and intellectual pursuits. Gemini perceives and pays attention to what stimulates the senses. It assimilates the information that enters the conscious mind and shapes it into coherency. Gemini inspires life-long learning and thrives on new ideas. It asks questions and seeks to find the answers.

One way to explore Gemini is by engaging in self-inquiry and writing about the experience. Listening to intuition plays a key role. Consider sharing the exercise and experience with a close friend.

Life is a quest full of fascinating, magical and, at times, shocking truths. Translating and elucidating the mystical and magical into language is another way to tune into Gemini’s wavelength.

Sagittarius Full Moon in June
On June 14, a Full Moon occurs at 23 degrees and 25 minutes in the fire sign Sagittarius at 7:51 a.m., EDT. Sagittarius motivates the expansion of consciousness by seeking education and a wide range of cross-cultural experiences.

The Sagittarius signature of this Full Moon inspires a spiritual quest toward a higher purpose in life. There is support for opening the heart and mind to new spiritual or metaphysical concepts.
During this full moon, Venus in Taurus is conjunct Uranus in Taurus. The astrological energy can create an opportunity for change and awakening within relationships. Listening to instincts and truthfully expressing individual needs and values can lead to greater love, freedom, serenity and creativity. Healing can occur through intimate, soul-baring conversation. With each Full Moon, release what no longer supports soul evolution.

Cancer New Moon in June
On June 22, the Sun enters the water sign Cancer. Cancer relates to nurturance, soul family and psychological exploration. It’s a time to indulge in self-care, quiet time alone or healing modalities.

On June 28, the New Moon occurs at 7 degrees and 22 minutes in the sign Cancer at 10:52 p.m., EDT. During this New Moon, the Moon is square Jupiter in Aries. Inner work, focused on feelings, can lead to greater faith in life. Spend time listening to what is rising within the psyche and soul. This process will help uncover a path toward expansion and the manifestation of new intentions. Once intentions are clarified, take action and move forward with courage. Dreams can become a reality with a warrior spirit, conscious effort and belief in the self.

Readers can personalize these themes by finding the astrological signs and points on their astrological natal charts.

Alexa Lane is a best-selling author, Evolutionary Astrologer and Holistic Consultant. Connect at [email protected] or visit

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Alexa Lane, Evolutionary Astrologer and Holistic Consultant - NA, NA, CT

Evolutionary Astrology and Healing Arts Education Evolutionary Astrology can help reveal your gifts, evolve your soul, and guide you toward creativity, prosperity, and love. Consultati... Read More » 


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