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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Launch of KnoWEwell for Natural Awakenings

KnoWEwell, a collaborative partner with the Natural Awakenings family of publishers since June, has launched a personalized, integrated, private, secure, community and marketplace platform designed to transform health care. The one online trusted destination for today’s Regenerative Whole Health knowledge, resources and community that inspires and empowers individuals to take control and make better informed health decisions to achieve WELLthier Living, KnoWEwell received the Top 50 Healthcare Companies award from the International Forum on Advancements in Healthcare.  

KnoWEwell is an immersive, global online platform that connects the dots between lifestyle choices, soil, food, the planet and health. With vetted providers, evidence-based resources and peer-reviewed content, it’s a safe space to learn and share. Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. Chief Operating Officer Joe Dunne says, “There is no simple way to describe KnoWEwell but to think big WebMD meets, HomeAdvisors, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Indeed for Regenerative Whole Health, all in one place for the benefit of everyone.

Natural Awakenings is honored to give our dedicated readers the opportunity to be some of the first members to be welcomed into the KnoWEwell community. With gratitude for our 26 years of  readership and support, through our mission-aligned collaborative partnership with KnoWEwell, we are pleased to gift both individuals and providers with free annual memberships. The new platform can be found at” 

For more information, visit and see the ad on page 3, which includes free membership codes.