Discovering an Advanced Energetic Anatomy and Body Psychology Workshop

Rebecca Filiault
Learn about the body’s advanced energy systems, Ayurvedic psychology, and the psychosomatic connection as it processes emotions, traumas and life’s experiences. Led by Rebecca Filiault, the August 19 workshop, from 1 to 4pm, will be full of information and theories on the chakra system, developmental psychology, trauma release and psychosomatic healing. Every attendee will be offered a discount to schedule their own private yoga therapy session with Filiault, as well as receive their own free copy of her Chakra Intro Booklet.
The fee is $85 per person. Filiault is an energetic anatomy expert and local certified IAM yoga therapist and body psychologist, registered yoga teacher, tapping coach, Reiki healer and spiritual counselor.
For tickets, visit Location: The Angel Cooperative, 51 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield.