Jul 30, 2021 09:30AM
Exposure to even moderate levels of traffic-related air pollutants during childhood results in a greater risk of mental illness by age 18, report researchers.
Drinking two sugary drinks per day from ages 13 to 18 increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 32 percent in women by age 50.
Jun 30, 2021 01:00PM ● By Henry Sobo
Semaglutide, a peptide which had originally been studied to help diabetics lose weight, is now being used to help those without diabetes lose weight as well.
Jun 30, 2021 01:00PM
Wondering what to do with an old breast pump? Contact a local electronics waste recycling facility to check if they will accept breast pumps. Remove batteries before sending it to an e-waste facility and recycle batteries separately.
Jun 30, 2021 09:30AM
Two readily available natural strategies—sunlight exposure and sufficient sleep—appear to lower the risks of suffering and dying from COVID-19, report two new studies.
A study shows that saffron extract can help lower depression and improve social relationships.
Sidestepping an argument or resolving it on the same day pays off quickly by halving the reactivity level that day and often erasing any darkened emotional response the following day.
A Harvard study finds that spanking alters children’s brain development.
Gulping down too much water has been linked to painful, involuntary muscle cramps experienced by athletes, but an oral hydration solution with electrolytes can help.
Physical activity during leisure time benefits our heart and longevity, but high workout levels on the job may actually hamper our health, report researchers.
May 28, 2021 09:30AM
Four widely used artificial sweeteners—saccharine, sucralose, aspartame and acesulfame potassium—promote the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in environmental and clinical settings.
Research has found that sleeping with a weighted blanket can lead to better sleep and reduced fatigue, depression and anxiety, and increased levels of daytime activity.
Older people with high levels of life satisfaction—a favorable attitude toward life—have healthier habits, less depression and pain, better sleep and a longer life, reports researchers.
New research has found that two and three daily servings of fruit and vegetables, respectively, were linked to the most longevity.
Research has found that peptic ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, along with other gut disorders, are linked to depression.
Apr 30, 2021 09:30AM
People in the “poorest of the poor” communities in which money is not a high value can feel as happy as people in high-income Scandinavian countries.
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