Frequency Report for 2025: Calibrate and Uplevel
Dec 31, 2024 12:00PM ● By Christy Abate
As we experience an influx of light via solar flares and the energetic consequence of the new age, we find ourselves shifting and changing. This response is felt in myriad ways and is inevitable. While some may feel as though we are regressing, that is not the case. Instead, all hidden darkness is being brought into the light. As a result, harmful forces and actions are being exposed more rapidly. As wayshowers, we are called to stay grounded and steadfast. Holding the flame of truth, we transmute lower energies and create the fertile ground necessary for the New Earth to blossom.
The energy of 2025 brings with it the frequency of change, completion and full release. In the dust of 2024, we leave behind the old constructs. Structures that used to bind us such as outlived patterns, ancestral trauma, old views and habits are coming to the surface and asking to be let go of. As we shift and change our old ways, the physical body releases denser energies. These new experiences are frequency keys that unlock our own DNA codex. As your divine template fully comes alive you might find yourself experiencing the following:
You see more clearly. Your clairvoyance might literally turn on or you experience an acuteness to your spiritual sight. This new (in)sight guides your decision making and thoughts with clarity. For example, ideas pop into your head seemingly out of nowhere and it’s the solution you’ve been searching for. You start to see connections between seemingly random ideas or situations where before you relied on limited, linear thinking.
You find it easier to make decisions. Recognizing a hard no and a heck yes comes naturally to you. Your body talks to you—loudly. You feel situations in a new way. You are more in tune with what is your energy and what belongs to someone else. This grants you the sovereignty to support and witness others without taking on their problems or struggles.
You express yourself in new and unexpected ways. Perhaps you’re singing more, drawing or illustrating instead of writing your creative thoughts. Maybe you’re seeing light codes or channeling light language through your voice or written form. It feels natural to express yourself in this new way and it makes you feel good!
You are more affected by the temperature. You become more attuned to sensations of cold or warmth. Your body temperature may fluctuate rapidly between the two. This is a response to your light body activation. Your body is calibrating the new energy entering your cells and fluids. As your body acclimates to this higher vibration, it releases stagnant, stored energy, allowing for the creation of a more crystalline light form.
You experience sleep disruption or differences. If you have been a heavy sleeper, you might notice more restlessness or waking up in the middle of the night. If you have been a light sleeper, you might notice that your sleep time is deep and heavy. Unfortunately, neither change results in feeling more rested and you often feel sluggish and tired. Be kind to yourself and flow with your energy levels. Your whole energetic system is responding to the extra energy you’re expending flushing the toxins and heaviness of the collective and the planet.
What can you do to stay grounded and healthy during this shift?
Drink more water. Ideally, you’ll drink more lemon or herb-infused water. Water heals and cleanses. This will ground you and the water flushes toxins from the body keeping your vessel clear.
Be in nature. This seems obvious; however, be present in nature. No cell phone, no talking, no purpose. The intelligence of nature and the nature spirits will give you what you need. Trust in this exchange.
Creative expression. Flow with your urges for self-expression. You may feel called to buy paints, brushes and a canvas. Or maybe your culinary skills become more intuitive. Perhaps you clean out that room “with all the stuff in it.” Allow whatever is coming through you to manifest. This ease is co-creation. It will remove old clutter, invite the body to move through space in a new enlightened way, and ground you into your new way of being.
Follow your body’s (new) natural rhythms. As we anchor in the New Earth energy, our own sense of what is important will also shift. We may find we need more time alone or in community. We may find we want to change jobs or where we live. Our favorite food may not taste so good anymore! Tune into yourself and let this new way of being unfold.
Face these experiences with trust and knowing. Taking time to tune inward invites more communion with your soul. The guidance and validation offered by your soul gives you the confidence to navigate these times with grace and strength.
Christy Abate is co-owner of The Angel Cooperative and The Angel Wing in Ridgefield, CT. She is an activation guide, intuitive and yoga teacher who leads retreats, workshops and yoga classes. In 2025, she will begin to offer 1:1 sessions called Soul Star and Stellar Gateway Calibrations in addition to her Ascended Masters and Angel Circles, Goddess Activations and more. To connect, visit and Instagram @shungiteroom. See ad, page 15.

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The Angel Wing, A Divine Spiritual Center. Located next door to The Angel Cooperative Wellness Center: The Angel Wing is next door to The Angel Cooperative. It has a large yoga room an... Read More »