Haute Healing Oasis Celebrates 5 Years: Detox and Heal at Stamford’s Premier Wellness Spa
Feb 28, 2023 09:00AM ● By Nicole Miale
Jessica and Peter Chichester
Haute Healing Oasis celebrated its fifth anniversary in January 2023 as Stamford’s one-stop shop for elevating body and mind, specializing in whole-being detoxification and healing. Owners Jessica and Peter Chichester are longtime Stamford residents, whose years of tough physical activity eventually took its toll on their bodies. Their search for healing and more supportive ways to prevent and repair injury led them to create Haute Healing Oasis in Stamford’s Harbor Point.
They started simply back then, featuring a few unique services for reasonable prices. Since then, the spa has evolved into a one-of-a-kind bio energy healing center, offering more than a dozen wellness services and a new event space in 2022, the Sage Center.
Jessica is the vision-keeper for the spa, which currently offers infrared saunas, ionic detox foot baths, BEMER technology treatments, hydromassage services, whole body vibration, halotherapy, oxygen therapy and fat loss body contouring, among other services.
“My vision for Haute Healing Oasis was to create a safe place for all people to come, no matter what their personal situation or need,” she says. “This is a place where the modalities help you heal, but on your terms and in your own way. The body is self-repairing, all the time, but stress, toxins and other factors weaken the body’s natural ability to heal itself. The services we offer are designed to detoxify and mitigate stress, allowing our bodies to heal and function correctly.”
Several of the therapies offered are unique to the spa; the Chichesters are constantly researching and testing new technologies, then offering the best ones for their clients. The BEMER, one of the spa’s first offerings, is a good example. BEMER is a non-invasive, FDA-registered medical device introduced in the U.S. over the past decade, but used for more than 30 years in other countries, including in doctors’ offices and hospital settings. The patented frequency protocols are known to increase blood flow and oxygen in the body by up to 30 percent. This in turn speeds healing and reduces pain, as well as lowering blood pressure and improving the body’s ability to handle inflammation and remove toxins.
The N.O.R.S. therapy is a Haute Healing Oasis exclusive, with a patent pending. This service incorporates multiple healing modalities into one wellness treatment. The modalities include negative ion therapy, oxygen therapy, red light therapy and salt therapy (halotherapy)—all of which have a body of scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness in aiding whole-body recovery.
“The beauty of what we offer is that these therapies are all designed to help your body heal itself,” Jessica explains. “They work well on their own, but the more you use them and when combined, the more the benefits magnify.”
Another newer addition to the Haute menu is Sonix Vibration therapy, which is whole body vibration using patented magnetic coil technology that stimulates blood flow and releases toxins. It is a recommended treatment for rehabilitation or passive exercise for those who cannot make time for regular workouts.
“Our goal is to be able to give people a one-hour vacation during the course of their day or week,” Peter explains. “People are running so hard, so fast without a break these days and our bodies have become so toxic. People say all the time that they don’t have time, but they have time for what they make a priority. We think feeling good should make the list.”
Haute Healing Oasis has a luxurious spa-like feel, but the Chichesters kept their prices reasonable from the start. “Feeling good is a right of life,” Peter says. “Wellness shouldn’t be so expensive that people can’t afford to take care of themselves.”
There are many ways to engage with the spa’s wellness services and take advantage of the sensible rates. Visitors can purchase single sessions of most therapies, but various wellness packages offer appealing combinations for approximately $100 to $150. Monthly memberships are also available, ranging from four to 30 sessions per month with no contract needed. These memberships range in value from $159 to $599 and come with other benefits in addition to the healing sessions themselves, such as discounts on retail purchases and event tickets.
For the Chichesters, Haute Healing Oasis has never been just a business but is instead a calling. Five years in, their mission hasn’t changed. Peter says, “We are grounded in hard work with heart in our day jobs and in the spa. Having the ability to give back and share what has helped us so much is really the key for us. It’s such a blessing to hear how people feel when they come out after a session. I hope I never get used to it, because it is so beautiful.”
Haute Healing Oasis is located at 792 Pacific St, Stamford. For more information, call 203-595-5304, email [email protected] or visit HauteHealingOasis.com. See ads, pages 7 and 28.
Nicole Miale is a writer, energy healer and coach based in Washington Depot, CT. She is a former Publisher of Natural Awakenings. Connect with her at [email protected].

Haute Healing Oasis - 792 Pacific St, Stamford, CT
HHO is your feel great place! A 3500 square foot wellness spa and healing center featuring over a dozen wellness services in a caring feng shui inspired atmosphere. If you need relaxation... Read More »