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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

The Secret to Creating Happier Holidays

Dec 19, 2020 03:30AM ● By Family Features
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This holiday season is almost certain to be unlike any before including physical distancing and unanticipated stressors. Many people are seeking positive relationships, stronger connections and enhanced mental well-being. By incorporating sustainable happiness skills into everyday life, people can take on life's challenges with an enhanced sense of self.

In an effort to educate, encourage, engage and mobilize young people to focus on mental health, LG Electronics USA partnered with Be Strong, a national anti-bullying organization, to share social and emotional skills with more than 3,000 state student leaders and grow their student leader program throughout 2021.

Working with experts in social-emotional learning at UC Berkley's Greater Good Science Center, the electronics manufacturer created six "happiness skills" backed by 75 years of research. The happiness skills are designed to increase students' capacity to better process stress and anxiety while building resilience with the goal of spreading sustainable skills to more than 5.5 million youth through the LG Experience Happiness initiative.

"Practicing the six sustainable happiness skills can shift the way your brain works to create more happiness," said Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Ph.D., science director at UC Berkley's Greater Good Science Center. "The science of happiness can actually be learned."

As people seek connection during the holidays, sharing these happiness skills can provide moments of joy to brighten the season. Consider these tips from LG and Be Strong for each happiness skill that can be tangibly practiced and shared:

  • Positive Outlook - Think about what you have learned from this challenging year. Write down three goals you can set in the short-, medium- and long-term.
  • Human Connection - When you see a person with a nametag, call him or her by name.
  • Mindfulness - Accept yourself by treating yourself the way you would treat a good friend.
  • Gratitude - Call a loved one and convey why you're grateful for him or her. Then make a gratitude collage for all the things and people you are grateful to have in your life.
  • Generosity - Give your time to charities that need volunteers.
  • Purpose - Write a vision statement of your biggest dreams coming true then take that vision into 2021.

In a year when many people may not have much to give this holiday season, the gift of happiness is free with an option like the downloadable "#GiveHappiness Gift Card," which can be shared in holiday cards or used as a stocking stuffer to encourage everyone to join in the happiness journey.

To learn more and download the interactive #GiveHappiness checklist of fun and easy tips for the holiday season, visit


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