Sita’s Light to Lead Unique New Year’s Experience in Stamford
Miriam Zernis
Well-known Connecticut “Sita” Miriam Zernis and her ensemble of musicians, known as Sita’s Light, will lead a special entry into 2018 by offering the group singing practice known as kirtan. The event runs from 7:30pm on New Year’s Eve until 12:15am. Doors open at 7pm. The Oxford Creative Center in Stamford is sponsoring this event.
The devotional chanting is a movement which has taken the West by storm as more people seek a spiritual connection. The heart-opening evening will also include meditation, light refreshments and a special midnight moment that will focus on sending everyone home inspired for the new year ahead.
Sita has been guiding those who are drawn to kirtan in New York City, Westchester and Fairfield Counties, and Canada for 10 years. Her kirtans offer a combination of traditional old-world and original chants framed by eclectic sacred music. She is joined by several talented musicians on the mission of spreading the practice of Bhakti yoga wherever they go.
The cost to attend is $55 before December 1, $60 from December 1 to 26, and $70 thereafter. Cash only at the door on December 31.
Register at Call 203-451-3940, email [email protected] or visit for more information. Location: The Oxford Creative Center, 1231 Washington Blvd, Stamford.