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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Cosmic Rhythms

Mar 02, 2015 01:12AM ● By Alethea Hunt

What an astrologically active month ahead! At the outset of March, be on the lookout for unexpected luck and surprising opportunities as Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries make contact for the second time since fall of 2014. Any self-initiated changes can work out quite favorably now. In this spirit, you might consider making your new mantra/affirmation, “Change is good.” This is a time to expand your heart center and tap into your creativity and talents.

A Virgo Full Moon on the March 5 calls attention to physical and emotional health, which is perfect timing with all the globally transformative energies swirling around in March. This lunation could serve as a cosmic cue for a restorative “time out” so you can focus on physical and emotional wellbeing. This moon’s contact to Pluto highlights the regeneration process and, like a lizard that drops its tail when distressed, sometimes it’s helpful to focus on letting go. In some cases, it can even be a matter of survival. There’s also a compartmentalization factor to this moon that can help you deconstruct any issues you may be dealing with to break them down into smaller, more easily-digestible components. An emotional analysis may be helpful now.

The final contact between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn occurs March 16. The prolonged exchange between this “mover and shaker” duo has been grinding out over a period of roughly three years. The primary takeaway: Pluto in Capricorn has shown the corrupt side of things you’ve used to provide you with a sense of order, normalcy, protection and security. You’ve come to discover you may have actually been manipulated and controlled by things like scarcity consciousness and feelings of fear, inadequacy and lack, into remaining in outdated situations preventing you from breaking new ground essential to your evolution. Uranus in Aries has given you that collective “push” needed to make immediate change – that active, sudden, sweeping energy is exactly what you need to overhaul some aspects of your lives during the last few years. If you experience any further shakeups in or around mid-March, it’s helpful to bear this in mind and try to reframe “uncertainty” as “possibility.” With Pluto, you learn to let go; with Uranus, you learn there’s a higher order at work.

Lastly, a Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse takes place on the Vernal Equinox (March 20). This lunation occurs on the very last degree of the zodiac and seems to herald the end of an epoch. What are you willing to release as you step into this new era? The macro-view of this lunation coupled with the transition from winter into spring encourages you to look at cycles of endings and new beginnings. Remember that even if you should find a chapter closing, it’s never linear; it always circles back around again.

A practitioner of Western Tropical astrology, Alethea Hunt has been practicing for more than 17 years. Connect with her at 203-917-6312, [email protected] or