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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Women's Spiritual Empowerment Group

Renee Simon & Stacy Raymond

Psychologist, Dr. Stacy Raymond, and Certified Nutritionist, Renee Simon, combine their professional health and wellness skills to offer a truly unique growth opportunity for spiritually-minded women.  This on-going, bi-weekly program offers a safe haven conducive to bonding and deeper personal development. Group members will be guided to identify and release old patterns and beliefs that prevent them from reaching their potential. Come and learn how to stay centered and balanced by practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, meditation and more! This transformative group will help participants to love themselves, their bodies, and their lives more fully, as acceptance, gratitude and forgiveness are practiced.  The workshop will guide this group of women to access their inner feminine wisdom and discover their life missions.  

  Renee A. Simon, MS, CNS ( is a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, published author, and professional speaker who specializes in integrative medicine, weight management, and spiritual growth. Dr. Stacy Raymond ( is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in women's issues, trauma resolution, and a spiritual approach to psychotherapy. 

The group will meet every other Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. starting in January when a core group is formed.  The tentative location will be at the CT Center for Change in Ridgefield.  The cost is $30 per session or 4 sessions for $100. Call now (914) 763-9107 to register.