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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Withinsight Launches Two Vibrant Women's Empowerment Programs

Withingsight announces two exciting new opportunities to explore personal growth and enlightenment. Women interested in developing inner strength, expanding wisdom and connecting with the Divine Feminine can join like-minded peers and experienced facilitators in these dynamic program offerings. Lisa Meade, PhD and Valerie Wilke, MSW bring over 15 years of experience in leading women's groups and rituals, with rich receptivity to the many ways that Spirit speaks to women.

  A lively online course, Honoring Your Body Temple, is open to all women of the global internet community. Twice-weekly lessons are posted, including video segments or audio clips. They feature suggested activities, readings and journaling prompts for participants to utilize in taking lessons to deeper levels. Members join in online discussions to share thoughts and experiences. The course offers the flexibility to work within participants' individual schedules.

  Next, Withinsight introduces Women's Wisdom~Spirit's Spark, a ten-month program beginning in September. This closed group of women will meet once each month for a full day of exploring themes related to empowerment, relationships, dreams, money, aging, sexuality and nature's cycles. This group will support challenging old beliefs, embracing constructive change and realizing hopes and dreams. Each gathering will be held at the beautiful Withinsight Temple Home in Monroe, CT.

Registration information for both programs can be found at WomenWithinsight/events.html. Also available is a free newsletter and announcements of additional program offerings. For more information, contact Lisa at 203.445.0117 or [email protected].

Coming in April
Coming in February
Deadline January 12th. Email [email protected] today for details and to reserve your space.

2025 Editorial Calendar