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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

The Deep Green Economy : The Spiritual Practice of “No Complaining- Right or Wrong!” Help the Spiritual Ecology of the planet

May 17, 2011 01:00PM ● By Victoria Friedman/Craig Sciglimpaglia

While the media is busy focusing on the world’s flat economy, there is much that many of us can be doing to improve our “Deep Green Economy.” In this invisible realm, which exists within and where thoughts and actions first form, the sum of positive and negative radiations determines the personal ecological atmosphere of each individual. Here, where our real alternative energy sources exist, is the place where we most need to be concerned about a serious polluter – complaining – that robs us of energy, vision and will, leaving us lethargic and complacent.

  Complaining, which seems nearly intrinsic to the human experience, affects our well-being and outer circumstances. Unfortunately, few individuals have ever considered this socially acceptable practice to be a serious “polluter.” Sadly, it is frequently the glue that holds people together in social gatherings, around the family dinner table, in the coffee room, around the water cooler and sometimes even in a yoga class. The low dense vibratory frequency created by the negativity of complaining pollutes the Spiritual Ozone layer of our world.

  The spiritual practice of “No Complaining-Right or Wrong!” allows us to take an honest look at our own internal state. There is real magic in becoming free of attachment to external circumstances. We can do this by letting go of justifications for complaining, which is easier to do when we are wrong. The tricky and bigger spiritual challenge comes when we believe we are right. Spiritual teachings accept no victim position, a practice that points us back to our True Nature where we are in essence free.

  The purpose of this spiritual practice is not to become a non-complainer, nor is it to be expected. In fact, those who have engaged in “No Complaining” have not been able to completely stop. However, the practice serves as an excellent mantra to awaken the awareness to situations where complaining took place. It is our awareness that changes our inner ecology, releases creative energy and leads to inspired action. It naturally follows that we see outer circumstances miraculously begin to conform to the changed inner environment.

  Today is the perfect time for “No Complaining.” In this economically, environmentally, and socially stressed world, while leaders of the world’s largest economies consider a global Green Deal that capitalizes on the current economic crisis to bring forth a sustainable way of life and the prestigious Club of Rome seeks a solution to unite mankind in its encounter with the planet, every individual can also make a difference with “No Complaining.”

  Begin now by envisioning an inner world clean and energized by a positive perspective that is beyond the control of external circumstances. Imagine freely moving through the day unaffected by reactions that habitually control your inner state. More energy is at your disposal and you see life through new eyes. A pristine clarity arises in your awareness, along with a quiet assurance, which tells you that everything is OK. If anything is in need of change, you have the resources within to affect your environment without the need to create more suffering.

  “No Complaining” is a call to those who want to come together in this spiritual practice for the transformation of our planet. When individual intention meets the collective intention, real change is possible. Free “NO COMPLAINING RIGHT OR WRONG” buttons are available by emailing your address to [email protected]. Personal experiences with the practice can be emailed for posting on the website.

Vistar Foundation is dedicated to individual transformation thru the power of Collective Consciousness. For upcoming six-week courses, workshop and events, visit or call 203 -968-1995.