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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Hummingbird Sound Yoga LLC

Barbara (Bobbi) Soares
Merryall, New Milford
[email protected]

Summary/services offered:
Sound and vocal yoga classes; sound healing immersions including gongs, bowls, tuning forks, voice, transformational energy/shamanic Reiki; humming meditation, toning, deep listening; sacred sound journeys/sound baths/sacred fire ceremony; workshops, group and private sessions; available for performances, presentations.

What drew you to this profession?  
Church bells ringing when I was born! I’ve had a lifelong study of and interest in spirituality, singing and creative arts. Unresolved health issues of Lyme, Ehlers-Danlos and a NDE drew me deeper into the sacred work of the gong and sound yoga healing.

How does your work differ from others in your profession?
I use a diverse blend of vibrational healing techniques from music, science, creative arts therapy, shamanic light body practices, sacred sound journeys and soul retrievals. Passion for honoring our unique vibration through play grounding, laughter, primal sound and vocal yoga. Giving others hope and inspiration by sharing my “wounded healer” experience of undiagnosed Lyme and Ehlers-Danlos. Experimental and directed vocal/instrumental compositions and improvisations.

What should someone expect from working with you?
Strong intuitive and cognitive guidance, compassion and respect. Honoring that we are all unique vibratory beings. Also, as a Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) survivor, I want to increase awareness about this #1 cause of cardiac death in women under 50.

What do you have planned for 2024?
Workshops in Toning/Voice energetics/Tuning forks; WiseMind Balancing with Sound and Story. Bimonthly sound immersions, concerts and performances at Gallery 25 in New Milford. Monthly Zoom sound healing sessions.

What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
Drink deeply. Hummingbird’s powerful medicine of vibration teaches you to listen deeply and be in the stillness of the present moment. It shows us how to take the journey without hesitation or expectation to find the perfect resonances that tune and nourish mind, body and spirit. It is only in the stillness of the present moment that we can clarify, resonate and reclaim our best self.
Coming in April
Deadline March 12th. Email [email protected] today for details and to reserve your space.

2025 Editorial Calendar