June 2023 Letter From Publisher
May 31, 2023 11:00AM ● By Erica Mills
Erica Mills
With this month’s theme of Men’s Health, Natural Awakenings takes a holistic approach—from the metaphysical to the nutritional and everything in between.
In June, we celebrate fathers of all kinds—and that could mean something different to a lot of people. What is a father? This could be a father figure, moms who wear both hats, grandparents who fill in for fathers or someone else in your life who has helped mold you into who you are today. We’d like to honor and recognize not only traditional families but also non-traditional families of all types.
In “Conscious Fatherhood: Building a Better Family”, on page 16, learn about creating core family values, practicing balance and tailoring discipline style to each individual child. These core parenting ideas can be helpful for anyone—not just dads!
On page 21, “Tapping Into the Masculine Voice” explores how we can support and encourage the positive qualities associated with masculinity, while also making room for men to embrace the more feminine-associated qualities that are important for the balance of individuals and society.
Other articles in this edition include “Socially Conscious Investing: How to Choose Sustainable Stocks and Mutual Funds” (page 12), which has some helpful tips for choosing sustainable stocks and mutual funds, and “Nutritional and Medical Approaches for Tackling Long-COVID ” (page 11), covering some symptoms and solutions for those struggling with the after-affects of a COVID-19 infection. Plus, much more both in these pages and online at eNaturalAwakenings.com.
I hope you are enjoying the first days of summer with your family and friends, basking in this time of year we have all been anticipating.
In June, we celebrate fathers of all kinds—and that could mean something different to a lot of people. What is a father? This could be a father figure, moms who wear both hats, grandparents who fill in for fathers or someone else in your life who has helped mold you into who you are today. We’d like to honor and recognize not only traditional families but also non-traditional families of all types.
In “Conscious Fatherhood: Building a Better Family”, on page 16, learn about creating core family values, practicing balance and tailoring discipline style to each individual child. These core parenting ideas can be helpful for anyone—not just dads!
On page 21, “Tapping Into the Masculine Voice” explores how we can support and encourage the positive qualities associated with masculinity, while also making room for men to embrace the more feminine-associated qualities that are important for the balance of individuals and society.
Other articles in this edition include “Socially Conscious Investing: How to Choose Sustainable Stocks and Mutual Funds” (page 12), which has some helpful tips for choosing sustainable stocks and mutual funds, and “Nutritional and Medical Approaches for Tackling Long-COVID ” (page 11), covering some symptoms and solutions for those struggling with the after-affects of a COVID-19 infection. Plus, much more both in these pages and online at eNaturalAwakenings.com.
I hope you are enjoying the first days of summer with your family and friends, basking in this time of year we have all been anticipating.