January 2023 Letter From Publisher
Dec 30, 2022 10:03AM ● By Erica Mills
Erica Mills
Happy 2023, Connecticut!
It’s a beautiful time to start anew, especially on our never-ending wellness journey. I am hopeful that you will find some inspiration and motivation within this edition of Natural Awakenings of Fairfield and Southern Litchfield Counties.
In “Seven Mindset Tips to Help Upgrade Your New Year”, on page 14, Jessica Chichester gives some advice for establishing good habits and goals to start 2023 well. One of my favorite tidbits she shares is that “imperfect action leads to progress”—so worry less about doing things perfectly and more about simply moving forward in your goals and tasks. It can be freeing, while also being productive.
Cognitive health is always important. In “Brain Power Boosters” (page 16), learn how to help preserve memory with food, supplements, sleep and more. Learn how genomics, the study of gene variants in our DNA, can help treat memory disorders on page 18.
To continue with the awesome health tips for overall wellness, we’re also learning how to ease chronic inflammation. “According to the National Institutes of Health, 14 of the top 15 causes of death in 2019 were chronic inflammatory diseases,” explains Tom O’Bryan in “Cooling the Fire Within”, on page 22. Learn healthy eating tips for the ideal diet and yummy recipes that can help us avoid the dangers of inflammation.
And don’t forget about your furry family members! “Hidden Dangers in Pet Food” (page 25) discusses the toxic ingredients you should look out for in your pets’ food. Make a habit this year of checking the ingredients of your food, as well as your pets’ food. We all deserve a healthy start.
Stay tuned next month, when we have an exciting announcement to share!
To a happy, healthy 2023,