Act Natural Health & Wellness

Act Natural Health & Wellness was born of one woman’s passion to live a healthy life in today’s less than healthy world. Community need is one of the main reasons Pam Pinto opened the doors of Act Natural Health & Wellness in 2014.
At Act Natural Health & Wellness, customers can find professional, food-grade vitamins and supplements, homeopathic remedies, essential oils, loose herbs and tea and a pharmaceutical grade line of CBD, Delta8 and Delta9 products. Special orders are welcome, and a bulk discount is available. Customers rely on the “PPA” certification—Pam Pinto Approved.
As more and more people become interested and concerned about the foods they eat and their effects on long-term health, one of her main goals is to provide access to organic produce and grass-fed meats. To accomplish this, she offers a 30 percent off Buy Club affiliation with Wholesome Healing Network PMA, hosts a monthly farmer/vendor market in Wolcott and provides access to Amish farm bi-weekly food deliveries to both store locations.
Pinto, a Nutrition Consultant and Reiki Master, began a nutrition consulting practice in 2004, often speaking to local groups and organizations. She has provided health and wellness programs to the Employee Wellness Center at ESPN.
Locations: 131 Main Street in Thomaston CT. For more information, visit See ad, page 9.