Tapping Circle at A Touch of Sedona

A Touch of Sedona in Bethel will host a tapping circle and workshop on December 5, 12, and 19 from 12 to 1pm. Participants will learn to use a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and western psychology to transcend the fears of the ego and tap into Spirit to find peace and raise their vibration.
This is a powerful Law of Attraction tool that allows you to move through energy blocks, de-stress and clear the path to your most desired dreams. While tapping on acupressure points and focusing on powerful emotions, you will be able to clear negative thinking patterns and change limiting beliefs.
Ever feel stuck in the same cycle of life and wonder when you will move forward? This method of release may be right for you. Bring your stress, limiting beliefs and negative thinking patterns and leave lighter. Plus, there’s no need to disclose openly—all you need is a feeling word like “stressed, sorrow or scared” and you’re good to go!
Cost is $20 per person. Videoconferencing into the event is also available.
For more information, visit TouchOfSedonaCT.com. Location: 125 Greenwood Ave, Bethel. See ad, page 35.