June 2018 - Letter From Publisher
Nicole Miale
We are all creatures of habit. Some are created intentionally, as in “I wear these kind of socks each day because they’re very comfortable,” and some are wholly unconscious, perhaps needing to be pointed out by others in our life because they are below the level of our awareness. Breaking bad habits is a necessary skill when it comes to self-improvement, but anyone who has tried to change a deeply ingrained pattern knows it isn’t easy. On the flip side, there’s no denying the deep sense of relief and even joy that can come with the breaking of an unhealthy habit and creation of a new, supportive one. It brings to mind something my dad used to say, “The thing about hitting yourself in the head with a hammer is that it feels great when you stop.” How many of you can relate to that? I know I can!
Bad habits taken to extreme become addictions. Sadly, it is likely we have all been confronted by the reality of addiction, whether in ourselves, a loved one or in our community. It is a sobering fact that addictive behaviors—whether alcohol, drugs, food, or technology (to name a few of the most prevalent)—are huge problems in our country. Over the years, many types of treatments have been used to treat those with addiction, but research demonstrates that addicts experience a high rate of treatment failure and relapse rates remain above 50%. Not good. But here’s the good news: holistic and non-conventional approaches are proving to support longer-lasting change and recovery for those struggling with addictive behaviors. Techniques such as hypnosis, yoga, mindfulness meditation, sound healing, and others are becoming critically important tools for individual recovery and success.
In this issue our contributors discuss various techniques and ideas for creating positive patterns—with a spotlight on therapeutic hypnosis—and supporting recovery from addiction. The goal is to lead individuals and communities out of the mire and into a more harmonious existence, for the greater good of all. We hope the information presented provides information, insight and perhaps hope for anyone who has been affected previously or is currently seeking to make positive behavior changes in their life. I’m right there with you… and I’m putting down my hammer today. I’m ready to feel the joy and relief that comes from creating patterns that support my whole self and make it possible to rise above the worries of daily life without self-soothing through unhealthy means (in my case, food). I wish for you the strength, courage and support to do the same, in whatever ways make sense for you.
With love and light,