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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Crackdown Needed: Glyphosate Found in Breakfast Foods


Of 24 breakfast food samples tested by the Alliance for Natural Health USA, 10 showed the presence of glyphosate. Executive and Legal Director Gretchen DuBeau states, “We expected that trace amounts would show up in foods containing large amounts of corn and soy. However, we were unprepared for just how invasive this poison has been to our entire food chain.” In the study, the chemical, now revealed to be a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization, was found in oatmeal, bagels, eggs, potatoes and non-GMO soy coffee creamer. The presence of glyphosate in dairy products may be due to bioaccumulation in the tissue of animals.

DuBeau adds, “Glyphosate has been linked to increases in levels of breast, thyroid, kidney, pancreatic, liver and bladder cancers, and is being served for breakfast, lunch and dinner worldwide. The fact that it is showing up in foods like eggs and coffee creamers, which don’t directly contact the herbicide, proves that it’s being passed on by animals that ingest it in their feed. This is contrary to everything that regulators and industry scientists have been telling the public.”

This article appears in the January 2018 issue of Natural Awakenings.

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