Empowering Writing Workshop in North Carolina

The Art of Bewilderment: A Poetry & Memoir Generative Workshop will be held June 8-11 in North Carolina. Led by Nick Flynn and Newtown’s Jojo Keane, this workshop empowers writers to go beyond psychic thresholds in their work and into unexplored territory. Discover how to access deeper, unconscious psychic realms in your writing in a supportive, generative environment.
In order to access this unconscious realm, we will incorporate short writing exercises, along with radical revisions of existing work, each introduced by brief meditation and/or movement work. Come with openness to questioning why you tell the stories you do. You will leave with a multi-page document made up of newly generated material as well as radically revised older work.
The retreat will include morning, afternoon and evening course modules with free time in between. Free-time activities include hiking, pottery, Shankara Ayurveda Spa services, meditation and yoga. The food at the retreat will be vegetarian. The maximum attendance for the retreat is 54 people. The price range is $822 to $1,122, which includes all meals, accommodation, taxes and course tuition. Accommodations range from triple, double and single retreat-style rooms to single/double deluxe hotel-style rooms, all with private baths.
Nick Flynn is a highly acclaimed writer, playwright and poet with many published works and film credits. He is also a professor in the creative writing program at the University of Houston. Jojo Keane is a JourneyDance instructor and yoga teacher who practices energy healing and shamanic arts. She runs workshops in conscious dance, meditation, mindfulness and fine art for university dance programs, athletic teams, theatrical troupes and actors.
For reservations, email [email protected] or visit ArtofLivingRetreatCenter.org. For more information on the retreat, visit tinyurl.com/NCRetreat.