Awaken the Goddess Retreat
Sierra North
Sierra North will lead a three-day women’s retreat, Awaken the Goddess, on January 22-24 at the Muktinath Holistic Center in Monroe. Participants are encouraged to re-
discover their own inner beauty and power as they meditate.
The retreat will include a day trip to Spa Castle in College Point, New York, for detoxification and purification of the body, mind and energy field. The spa is located in a three-story building with dozens of pools, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, meditation rooms, a full restaurant and a bar. Massage, reflexology, facials, hydrotherapy and more are available to choose from to add to the detoxification and pampering experience. Sacred mantras will be used to enhance the spiritual healing; mini-healings will be available throughout the day by North and other group leaders.
The retreat will also include shamanic healing, meditation, in-utero/pre-birth healing, mantra and chakra balancing. The retreat will conclude Sunday with a special goddess-themed kirtan by Sita’s Light.
North is an Ignite your Spirit therapist, shamanic practitioner/teacher, crystal dreaming practitioner, and Reiki master/teacher of the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition. She has a bachelors in psychology from St. Bonaventure University.
For more information, visit or call 203-518-5808. Location: Muktinath Holistic Center, 755 Main St, Bradford Green Plaza Building#1, (Rt 25 above chiropractic office), Monroe.