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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

ax-Deductible Exercise Sessions at BodySmart To benefit Animals In Distress (AID)

BodySmart is hosting a benefit fundraiser for Wilton’s Animals In Distress Cat Shelter, by offering 55-minute semi-private personal training sessions for $35 per person (two to five people for each session). This offers interested area residents a way to help save cats and kittens even if they are not able to or interested fostering or adopting. Create your own tax-deductible, semi-private personal training session with yourself and friends.

The training sessions for this fundraiser will be held on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays during regular class times. A semi-private class can also be scheduled with groups of up to five people. Reservations are required to reserve a spot in these sessions or to book private groups.

Animals In Distress is a free-roaming no-kill cat shelter with no time limits placed on the length of residence (see AID article, page 56).

BodySmart is a non-membership boutique fitness, nutrition and weight loss studio located in Monroe. They have been in business at this location for 11 years. BodySmart’s mission statement is: “A new you through nutrition, exercise and weight-loss”.

BodySmart is committed to giving back to the community. In 2014, BodySmart focused fundraising efforts on helping the Monroe Food Pantry. BodySmart’s 2015 focus will be on assisting organizations such as Animals in Distress that help animals in need, in their fundraising efforts.

For more information and to register, call Lisa Thompson at 203-209-7359 or Elizabeth Reed at 203-767-0623 or visit Event location: BodySmart, Crescent Village, 115 Main St, Unit 11, (rear of building), Monroe. Parking in rear of building.