Financial Workshop for Women Facing Divorce

Bill Donaldson of Westport’s Donaldson Financial Wellness Network, LLC will present a seminar for women regarding the financial issues of divorce, titled “Taking Control: A Divorce Financial Workshop for Women.” It will be held from 7 to 9pm, May 6 at Total Life Care (TLC) Center in Norwalk and on 1 to 5pm, May 10 at The Redding Center for Meditation.
Donaldson will educate attendees about the myriad of issues that are critical for women facing divorce or who have recently completed the process to making the best decisions for the future. Topics will include the impact of taxes and strategies to minimize them, how transferring property in divorce works, planning for your future, legal issues to consider and more. The workshop is being sponsored by Donaldson Financial Wellness Network, LLC, Turning Point S.H.A.R.E. Divorce Group’s JoAnn Duncan and Beth Leas, director of TLC Center.
For more information, visit TLC Center is located at 152 East Ave, Norwalk. Redding Center for Meditation is located at 9 Pickett’s Ridge Rd, West Redding.