Unity Center Hosting Networking Event

Unity Center will be hosting its first Networking Event for Health & Wellness Practitioners led by Christina Connors (LMT), Theresa Crisci (LMT) and Geri Zatcoff (MS). The event will take place from 6 to 8pm Friday, May 23. The evening will begin with snacks and open networking followed by a circle where everyone will have the opportunity to share about themselves and their practice. All professionals are welcome to attend – massage therapists, reiki practitioners, acupuncturists, naturopaths, health coaches, colon therapists, sound healers, doctors, intuitives, hypnotists, counselors, spiritual advisors and more.
Unity Center hosts classes and events which focus on the mind, body, spirit connection – couples massage class, reiki healing circle, gonging meditations, drumming circles and health and wellness lectures by experts in their fields.
For more information and to register, visit UnityCenterPS.org or call 203-855-7922. Unity Center is located at 3 Main Street, 2nd fl (above the Ford dealership), Norwalk. See ad, page 31.