Holistic Moms Network of Fairfield County Launches Playgroup
The Holistic Moms Network (HMN) of Fairfield County has launched a new HMN Chapter Playgroup. Twice monthly, members will meet with their children for play, community, support and a fun activity centered on a holistic theme. Each playgroup will feature a different activity such as making herbal remedies or personal care products, cooking or fermenting foods, playing music, learning meditation, organic gardening, art, felting, dance, yoga and much more for adults and children to do together. All ages are welcome.
The playgroup will be hosted by chapter members Marija Mikolajczak and Muneeza Akhtar Ahmed, meeting monthly on the first Thursday of each month at 9:30am in Cos Cob and the third Friday at 2pm in Norwalk. The playgroup is open to members of the Fairfield County chapter of the Holistic Moms Network. Non-members may attend one playgroup or evening meeting to find out if HMN is right for you.
To join or renew, visit HolisticMoms.org/Category/Connect/Membership/Join-Now/.