Feb 28, 2020 09:30AM
Researchers find women who consume a diet high in refined carbohydrates—particularly added sugars and processed grains—are more likely to develop insomnia.
Chinese researchers discover that antibiotics and vitamin/mineral supplements, specifically supplemental garlic, protects against gastric cancer.
Feb 28, 2020 09:20AM
The reason one individual is susceptible to acid reflux/GERD might be entirely different from the reason it afflicts another person.
Feb 28, 2020 09:19AM
There have been many studies proving that the consumption of cold food and beverages, including ice water, actually causes our blood vessels to constrict.
Jan 31, 2020 09:30AM
Qigong, a traditional Chinese massage technique and movement practice, may offer hope for children with autism spectrum disorder.
Celery has some of the highest levels of antifungal properties, as well as high levels of nutritional lipids, protein, vitamin C, copper, zinc and phosphorous.
Research finds that certain mind-body therapies significantly reduce pain and the use of opioids in people suffering from acute pain.
Dec 30, 2019 09:30AM
Eating and drinking fermented probiotic dairy products such as yogurt, kefir, cheese and sour cream reduces the risk of heart disease for women, report researchers.
Research finds that increasing nut intake by a half serving a day—about 12 almonds or seven walnut halves—is linked to lower instances of weight gain and obesity.
Babies whose mothers drank pomegranate juice while pregnant have evidence of both better brain connectivity and development of white matter.
Middle-aged and older adults that live in greener neighborhoods have a lower risk of metabolic syndrome.
According to a study, women eating more onions and garlic reduced their risk of breast cancer by 59 percent compared to those that ate less of these.
Dec 04, 2019 12:04PM
As the Salt Cave of Darien celebrates its second anniversary, the wellness destination is offering a rich lineup of therapies to help customers
Nov 27, 2019 09:30AM
Maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) of less than 25, combined with a healthy diet, can reduce the risk of developing cataracts.
Those with higher quality diets have significantly better gut bacteria diversity, a factor linked to reduced risk for a variety of diseases.
People that experience storm and flood damage to their homes are about 50 percent more likely to experience depression and anxiety.
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