Mar 02, 2017 07:52PM ● By Mark Joachim
Many crops of corn, soy, wheat, tomatoes, potatoes, dairy, papaya, peas, rice, rapeseed (a source of canola oil) and cotton have been geneti...
Mar 02, 2017 07:48PM ● By Ariana Rawls Fine
Increased stability, flexibility and balance. More body awareness. Easier movement. Better focus. Improved posture. Individualized challenge...
Mar 02, 2017 07:46PM
Yoga for Everybody is hosting a Yoga Nidra Training with John Vosler beginning March 2 from 10am-3pm. Part one of the program is an Immer...
Mar 02, 2017 07:44PM ● By Nicole Miale
A growing body of evidence shows simply being with horses can produce positive physical effects in people. Similar to petting a dog or a cat...
Feb 28, 2017 12:45PM ● By Judith Fertig
Fat used to be the nemesis of good nutrition, but the latest research overturns that theory: The right fats actually keep us thin without harming our hearts.
Feb 28, 2017 12:45PM ● By Aimee Hughes
Gyrotonic exercise, the latest trend in fitness studios, uses special equipment to enable smooth, circular motions that make the body more fluid and supple.
Feb 28, 2017 12:45PM ● By Avery Mack
The latest creative and Earth-friendly options include converting remains into tree planters, jewelry, ocean reefs and even vinyl records.
Feb 28, 2017 12:45PM ● By Kathleen Barnes
The queasy stomach, brain fog or food cravings we’re experiencing might be caused by food sensitivities and a leaky gut—but there are some practical, simple solutions.
Feb 28, 2017 12:25PM
Danish researchers found no difference in LDL “bad cholesterol” levels between people that ate low-fat cheese or regular-fat cheese for 12 weeks.
British kids between 6 and 19 that used devices within 90 minutes of falling asleep were more likely to sleep badly and be sleepy during the day, which also can lead to poor diet choices.
Rutgers researchers found that food dropped on the floor for even one second can be contaminated with bacteria, and that carpet transferred fewer bacteria than tile and stainless steel.
Older adults with higher levels of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin nourishing their eyes also performed better on a cognitive test.
In a Harvard study, people that replaced a portion of their normal dairy foods with vegetables, nuts and fish reduced their heart-disease risk by a quarter, while people that replaced the dairy with animal fats increased their risk by six percent.
Singapore toddlers that experienced eczema or wheezing in their first 18 months were more likely to have a food allergy at 36 months.
Stressed and fatigued individuals that took a supplement containing magnesium, probiotics, vitamins and minerals for 30 days saw sharp reductions in these symptoms.
Researchers have discovered that regularly taking DHA improves brain function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment.
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