Apr 29, 2016 11:01AM
To kick off married life in a planet-friendly fashion, try natural settings, bubble-blowing and acoustic music.
Apr 02, 2016 02:26AM ● By Meredith Montgomery
Representatives from nearly every country on Earth gathered in Paris for the 2015 United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference. UN Secretar...
Mar 31, 2016 10:48AM
Yale researchers have found 157 chemicals in fracking fluids that are linked to developmental and reproductive toxicity, including arsenic, benzene and mercury.
Just one kiwi fruit a week significantly improved markers of heart health in Spanish subjects.
Taking 30-second computer breaks to view a photo of a flowering meadow on a rooftop helped college students focus longer and make fewer errors.
Dentists that use higher amounts of mercury in their practice are 10 percent more likely to develop tremors of the hands and arms.
By avoiding certain plastics, foam products and certain seafood, we can strategically lower our exposure to the worst carcinogenic chemicals, reports the Environmental Working Group.
A review of 33 studies found that Tai Chi reduces depression and muscle stiffness and increases well-being for patients with some chronic conditions.
Organic agriculture practiced worldwide can boost the CO2 content of soil and help lower global temperatures, reports the Center for Food Safety.
Honeybee backers scored a court victory that blocks sales of a bee-toxic pesticide, while findings of high aluminum levels in bee bodies evoke fresh concerns about other pesticides.
To help consumers choose sustainable seafood, Greenpeace evaluates and rates grocery chains on their seafood purchasing policies and labeling.
Microorganisms in the gut of the common mealworm appear to turn discarded Styrofoam and plastic into biodegraded fragments that look like rabbit droppings.
The Corexit oil dispersant used by British Petroleum to clean up the Deepwater oil spill will have long-lasting lethal effects on marine life.
Germany has followed Scotland’s lead in the European Union by blocking the use of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in agriculture.
Lower Austria, largely relying on hydropower from the Danube River, generates all its electricity from renewable sources.
Mark your calendar! To celebrate its 100th birthday, the National Park Service will let everyone in for free 16 days this year.
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