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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Bradford Tilden, MM, CMT, UWT

Crystal Music Healing
92 North Summit St, Studio West, Southington
And remotely via Zoom
860-830-5841 • [email protected]

Summary/services offered:
I am a spiritual health practitioner specializing in healing childhood and past-life trauma, empowerment and awakening. I offer sessions and trainings in Universal White Time (UWT) Healing and Gemstone Healing. I also facilitate angelic and shamanic sound healing experiences and teach people how to use their own voice for healing and transformation.

What drew you to this profession?  
Creating music is my gift to the world. Discovering my music has inspirational healing qualities led me to the healing arts. How I became a White Time Healer is an incredible story you can read in my chapter in the best-selling book, Energy Medicine Solutions. These disciplines have guided me through personal health recovery, spiritual growth, empowerment and transformation.

How does your work differ from others in your profession?
As I am one of the leading UWT Healers in the country, I have access to and work with some of the highest energies and angelic light-beings in this Universe through my trainings and initiations in Universal White Time Healing. Many of these initiations are available for my clients to rapidly accelerate their spiritual growth.

What should someone expect from working with you?
I aim to provide an effective experience. I take time to listen to concerns, and choose the best combination of my preferred tools (energy, sound, gemstones) to help my clients enjoy lasting change, attain inner peace, empowerment and improved quality of life. Clients feel safe and quickly relax in my presence.

What do you have planned for 2024?
Being located in same building as the Sanaré Wellness Center and Verbena Yoga will allow me to offer really exciting collaborative events and UWT healing sessions within the Scalar Wave zero-point healing vortex. I am continuing to grow and expand the local UWT Practitioner community, and looking to invest in a Vibro-Acoustic Therapy table to expand the offerings of my private practice.

What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
I love to be interviewed and to receive invitations to travel and teach the UWT classes to your local community. I also love performing spiritual upgrades over zoom.  People are finding them immensely beneficial in surprising ways.  Plus, my music is now available on all the major streaming platforms. Just search for Bradford Tilden.
Coming in April
Deadline March 12th. Email [email protected] today for details and to reserve your space.

2025 Editorial Calendar