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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Edge to Health

Renee Edge, NBC-HWC
4 Brookmoor Rd, Avon • 860-681-3427
[email protected]

Summary/services offered:
I am a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, focusing on Functional Nutrition, which means I take a holistic approach to health by incorporating food, sleep, stress, fitness and toxic environmental factors, in the effort to reduce the impact of stressors or specific diagnosis on the body. I specialize in supporting children with anxiety, ADHD, autism, depression or trauma histories. I offer group workshops and trainings, in addition to individual coaching and nutrition consultations.

What drew you to this profession?
I am a formerly frazzled mom, whose experience grew from trial and error experimentation with my own children and foster children which propelled me back to school to study nutrition and achieve National Board Certification. Seeing the impact of food on the attention, behavior and moods of my own children fueled the desire to share this knowledge with other families who were struggling with the behavior of their own children. Now I specialize in nourishing better behavior by helping families to change their child’s attention, behavior and mood using food everyone in the family will enjoy. I work with individuals and families of all ages to remediate the impacts of diagnosis such as ADHD, autism, PTSD, anxiety and depression to maximize your physical health and well-being.

How does your work differ from others in your profession?
There are three significant differences working with a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach focusing on Functional Nutrition. First, the process is driven by you and your goals not my goals for you. Second, it isn’t just about food—we consider all of the factors in your life, and how they impact you and your food choices. Third, it is not just about me prescribing foods to you, it is about building from what you are already eating to a healthier version that meets your nutritional needs. Foods you value, or culturally specific foods, are integrated into your healthy eating plan. We integrate mindfulness to aid you in developing a greater awareness of and understanding of your choices.

What should someone expect from working with you?
In working with me, you will find that you are the driving factor in making the changes and I am just your co-pilot, there to guide you through the process.  I will help you to cultivate your motivation to make and sustain changes over time, not by promoting radical change but by showing you how to build on small shifts in behaviors and habits over time. You will see it is possible to honor your cultural foods and preferences, while still making small changes to increase your overall health and wellness.

What do you have planned for 2024?
This year will see the return of live workshops and group coaching in addition to expanded virtual offerings via Zoom.

What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
In addition to your overall health, mood, behavior, sleep and stress are all impacted by the food you consume. Healing is possible with what you put in your grocery cart!
Coming in April
Deadline March 12th. Email [email protected] today for details and to reserve your space.

2025 Editorial Calendar