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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

The Angel Cooperative • The Angel Wing

Metaphysical Store • Shungite Room
49-51 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield 
203-431-2959 •

Services Offered:
The Angel Cooperative is a unique metaphysical and lifestyle boutique. Our mission is to be purveyors of positivity (POP), offering one-stop shopping for the home, body and soul. You will find a large selection of crystals, jewelry, inspired gifts, home décor, fashion, accessories, spiritual items, as well as the first Shungite Room in the U.S. Come explore products that create a sense of harmony and balance. From crystals to clothing, love and positivity abounds in the space.

The Shungite Room hosts private energy sessions, angelic, tarot and oracle card readings, channeling and mediumship, reiki, workshops, aura photography and guided meditation led by a group of talented and experienced practitioners. Shungite is said to be around 2 billion years old. It is the only natural material known to contain fullerenes, a unique carbon molecular structure (also known as a buckyball). A Nobel Prize was awarded in 1996 for the discovery. The energy embodied within this extraordinarily positive ancient stone is said to help absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life. It is believed to have active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers.

Next door to The Angel Cooperative is The Angel Wing, a divine spiritual center. The Angel Wing hosts workshops, retreats, group and private readings, energy work sessions, reiki, massage, cosmic facials, sound healing and gong baths, group guided meditations, acupuncture, and a wide selection of yoga classes (vinyasa, gentle, yin with sound bath, kundalini with gong bath, restorative with sound bath, restorative with tarot and flow and restore with guided meditation). We also offer myriad certification courses: Crystal Healing; Meditation Levels I and II; Reiki I, II, and Master; Karuna; Tarot; and Foundations of Sound Healing Levels 1 and II.

What should someone expect from working with you?
Partners Laura Ancona and Christy Abate have created a store that embodies positive energy with a wide variety of merchandise and services which reflect that mission. We have curated a community of healers, offerings and metaphysical tools plus a large selection of crystals that support all people on their soul’s journey.

What do you have planned for 2024?
Every year we intuit an archetypal theme for our team to explore and embrace.  This year we selected the visionary archetype. We believe this theme was gifted to us so we can support moving the milieu out of the third dimensional idea of manifesting into its full multidimensional higher octave of co-creation. Archangel Raziel shares through his teachings that co-creation includes thought, word, and action. The Hindu deity Braham offers us the collective consciousness and through his divine counterpart Saraswati, we were given the word. Our focus this year is to use our voice in co-creating with the universe for the highest and best. We can use our voice for healing the earth, ourselves, and the world.  We can tap into the collective to find vibrational matches for our intentions. What does that look like and how would someone do that in their ordinary life? Let your voice be heard! Read your journal entries aloud. State intentions and sing your chants and prayers. Cast spells! Use the spoken word to direct and control energy. 

We cast spells when we birth our thoughts and intentions through speaking. Speech has a frequency, and it vibrates through the cosmos.  In turn, it shifts our experiences to match that frequency. Activate the high heart through breathwork, mudras, chanting, the open throat, meditation, yoga, connecting with nature, then use your voice to co-create with the Divine/Source/Collective Conscious/God.

What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
We love what we do! We feel called to be exactly where we are at this time. We are excited to continue evolving and expanding. This past year we have paid particular attention to the vibration of the words we use. We have found that we can help to break down old paradigms by consciously using words and language that elevate, enrich and expand!

There are myriad ways to connect with us. Enjoy our beautiful shop and explore our metaphysical products at the physical location and in our online store; we ship anywhere in the U.S. We offer in-person readings, workshops, sound healings, yoga, retreats, massage, certification classes and more in The Shungite Room and at The Angel Wing, our divine spiritual center.

Find all the information and register for events and readings at Be sure to download our monthly calendar so you can see all the happenings at a glance.
Coming in April
Deadline March 12th. Email [email protected] today for details and to reserve your space.

2025 Editorial Calendar