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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

October 2023 Letter From Publisher

Sep 30, 2023 03:00PM ● By Erica Mills
Erica Mills

Erica Mills

As we embrace the vibrant colors of autumn and the crispness in the air, October brings with it a profound opportunity to reflect on our connection to the land we call home. This month, we come together to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, a time to honor the rich heritage of Native Americans and the land they have cherished for generations.In this spirit, I invite you to explore the Native Land Digital archive at

This invaluable resource offers a window into the lands that have been inhabited by Indigenous peoples across the world. It is a reminder that every step we take, every home we build and every business we operate is upon land that has a history, a culture and a story.

This month we focus on Traditional World Medicine and the rich tapestry of modalities to explore and learn more about. Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Jin Shin Jyutsu and countless other modalities find a place in our hearts and our communities throughout Connecticut. These healing practices connect us to ancient wisdom and remind us of the importance of holistic well-being.

Thank you for being a part of our collective journey of discovery, respect and appreciation for the lands we inhabit, and the traditional healing practices that unite us in our pursuit of well-being.

With gratitude and respect,

Coming in April
Deadline March 12th. Email [email protected] today for details and to reserve your space.

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