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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Deepen Your Connection to Crystals and Gemstones

Bradford Tilden

Bradford Tilden

This past June, Bradford Tilden, of Crystal Music Healing, became the third person in North America approved to teach the Level 4 Universal White Time Gemstone Healing Certification Course.

UWT Gemstone Healing is a universal education known, taught and practiced by the oldest and most advanced spiritual beings in the Universe. UWT has been developed and approved by a coalition of light masters for humanity now, to accelerate our growth and consciously ascend with Mother Earth to the 5th Dimension and the New Earth.

Start your journey of true awakening with stones by registering for the next Level 1 UWT Gemstone Healing Certification held on the weekend of October 21 to 22, at The Center for Higher Living in Berlin, Connecticut. Register by October 15, and mention this event brief to receive $125 off the cost of tuition.

Level 1 is an introduction to the philosophy. Level 2 focuses on color healing and raising the frequency of the body. Level 3 examines the evolving chakra system in response to the Earth’s rising frequency and introduces one to higher Universal Forces. Level 4 is about the cosmic human awakening to the divine within, as well as connecting with higher forms of angels, light beings, extraterrestrials and divine forces. Each Level concludes with an initiation that removes spiritual blockages acquired when incarnating at birth. Healing, activation and permanent, effective change may result.

For more information and to register, call 860-830-5841, email [email protected] or visit See ad, page 2.

Crystal Music Healing - 304 Highland Ave Apt C  Cheshire CT

Crystal Music Healing - 304 Highland Ave, Apt C, Cheshire, CT

I am a sound and crystal healing master who offers Spiritual healing and guidance focusing on spiritual awakenings, startseed support, and New Earth ascension preparedness. I am one of th... Read More » 


Coming in April
Deadline March 12th. Email [email protected] today for details and to reserve your space.

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