July 2023 Letter From Publisher
Jun 30, 2023 11:00AM ● By Erica Mills
Erica Mills
Happy Summer! This month, we’re all about food, regenerative farming, being outside and enjoying time with family, friends and pets. To inspire colorful, local eating, we’ve included a list of some of Connecticut’s finest farmers’ markets, on page 10. I encourage you to peruse the list, pick out some markets that are close to home—or a good reason for a little road trip to a nearby town you may not have visited.
In the Community Spotlight, meet the new Stone Gardens Farm Market, which is now open in Shelton. The market is described by co-owner Stacia Monahan as “a farm stand meets health food store meets grocery store”—featuring produce and meats from nearby Stone Gardens Farm as well as food from other local growers.
Our feature, “The Microbiome Connection” dives into the soil in which our food is grown. How does the condition of our soil contribute to the health of our food, and thereby the health of those who eat it? Find out on page 13.
“The Power of Trace Minerals”, on page 16, highlights what the minerals in our soil and our bodies are used for, how farmers can help restore nutrients to soil and what can be done to supplement minerals we may be missing.
In “Hues of Health”, on page 20, feast your eyes on the benefits of a colorful diet, and some ideas for helping your family and yourself eat foods of all colors of the rainbow for better health. Try your hand at one of the healthy recipes included, and visit eNaturalAwakenings.com for even more colorful recipes to inspire your summer barbecues and festivities.
While we may be spending more time outside during the summer, it’s also important to look out for our pets. On page 22, “Avoiding the Summer of Lost Pets” gives some practical advice for keeping pets safe at home. Whether it’s from fireworks scares or simply being outside more, pets are more susceptible to wandering away from home in summer months.
May your and your family have a safe and fun-filled summer,