Letter From Publisher April/May 2020
Apr 24, 2020 05:40PM ● By Erica Mills
Nicole Miale
“May you live in interesting times” is an English expression which purports to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. While seemingly a blessing, the expression is normally used ironically; life is better in “uninteresting times” of peace and tranquility than in “interesting” ones, which are usually times of trouble. ~ Wikipedia
I’m sure I speak for many of us when I say I’ve had my fill of “interesting” over the past six weeks. I have found some peace and tranquility during quarantine when I could turn off the tape loop in my head endlessly pondering the what-if’s, what now’s, and what then’s. When I was successful in being mindfully present right NOW, I felt grounded, sometimes even great and energized while moving through my daily routine. It has been instructive to realize anew that despite living in the midst of uncertainty, the human brain and being has the ability to reframe and feel just fine when focused on the moment. Instinct and coping skills are designed for survival; there is an awareness that the current moment is all that is promised and the only thing that needs to be addressed. This is a huge shift for so many of uss used to living with too many tabs open, multi-tasking our lives away.
Whether it is being present for family home all day, having to work in very difficult or traumatic circumstances on the medical front lines, learning unexpectedly to homeschool children, figuring out how to work at home, feeling lonely, exulting in alone-ness, connecting with others by digital means or learning to turn down some of those digital meeting invitations so you could just connect with yourself, this pandemic has tasked us all with the unfamiliar and often challenged us with the rawness of our own unexpected feelings. That may actually be the pearl within the oyster of this whole experience. It is when we push the edges of our comfort zone—by choice or fate—that we learn what we are truly capable of. That is when we are forced to evaluate where our boundaries need shoring up or loosening, where we may learn something surprising about ourselves.
This situation has me marveling at the jaw-dropping consequences as well as the potential of whatever is to come… we are at the edge of what could be a changed world.
I for one am holding out hope that this experience will ultimately change things for the better, though the path may be rocky and may not lead where we intended to go.
Believing in the beauty of possibility, maybe the new journey and destination will reveal horizons and opportunities we couldn’t dream of before. The landscape has shifted and with it our expectations can adjust as well.
Thank you to our loyal readers, advertisers and distributors for allowing Natural Awakenings to be a source of inspiration, comfort and familiarity when so much else feels uncomfortable or even unsafe. We exist to serve the community and are grateful to have that opportunity at this time. We hope you enjoy our carefully selected assortment of articles this month and look forward to keeping you company through the coming period of discovery and rebuilding.
With love and light,