Victoria Shaw, PhD, LPC

Victoria Shaw
Victoria Shaw, PhD, LPC
[email protected]
Summary/services offered:
I support clients in dealing with life’s struggles and improving the quality of their lives. My work combines traditional psychotherapy with intuitive guidance for children, teens and adults.
What drew you to this profession?
I have a strong desire to be of service and to support people in their efforts to live more joyful and fulfilling lives. The more I do this work, the more it is apparent that this truly is what I was meant to do.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
My intuition guides me directly to the source of my clients’ struggles, and helps me choose the most effective interventions and supports. I also help clients connect with their own intuitive wisdom. I have a doctorate in cognitive psychology, and completed post-doctoral training in child development and educational psychology. I am a licensed professional counselor and a certified distance counselor with advanced training in EMDR, dialectal behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and energy psychology.
What should someone expect from working with you?
Sessions can help clients understand themselves better, identify personal strengths, find direction and guidance in making decisions, process past hurts, release resentments, reduce anxiety and learn to deal with life’s struggles.
What changes do you plan in 2020?
I am offering more workshops and group sessions, including a monthly intuition enlightenment book group, group intuitive readings and healings, and intuition development workshops.
I have also created my first self-paced, fully online course, which I am very excited about. Visit my website for details; it will launch soon!
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
That I love what I do; I continue to be inspired by my clients’ spirit, courage, healing and growth.