Celebrate Winter Solstice in Westport

Join Jungian astrologer and Labyrinth facilitator Marjorie Partch for a winter solstice celebration and labyrinth walk on December 21 at 4pm at the Unitarian Church in Westport.
The event takes place on the shortest day of the year, before the days start getting longer. Like proverbial clockwork, the days will continue to grow longer, warmer and lighter—until the summer solstice, on June 20, 2020. We are reminded that so much in life is cyclical, with seasons of darkness and light, whether literal or symbolic.
The evergreen tree featured in our traditional Northern European celebrations of this season represents the Eternal Life that underlies these changeable cycles. The changing light, which is created by the tilt of the Earth on its axis, is represented by the small flickering lights or candles used to decorate our solstice holiday trees.
During this celebration, attendees will contemplate the darkness and the end of the year, while welcoming the Return of the Light and walking the Blue Lotus Peace Labyrinth. This ancient archetype has been used to mark these cycles for millennia.
Partch is available for consultations and events in southern Connecticut, with a new office located in Norwalk. For information, call 203-912-3528. Location of the Winter Solstice Celebration: Unitarian Church, 10 Lyons Plains Rd, Westport. See Community Resource Guide listing, page 48.