Teaching Empathy to Young Children in Norwalk

Stepping Stones Museum for Children in Norwalk will host an “Ask a Professional” presentation on developing empathy in young children on December 19 from 6:30 to 7:30pm. The speaker will be Dr. Alan J. Wenderhoff of Everyday Parenting Psychology, PLLC.
Wenderhoff has spent most of the past 30 years working in a wide range of clinical and educational settings serving infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families. He specializes in the diagnosis of young children with autism spectrum disorder and is the author of Positive Parenting Your Preschooler: A Handbook for Parents.
During his talk, parents can explore ways to promote kindness and caring in young children. The event is free and for adults only. Free childcare will be provided for children 18 months or older; if interested, mention at the time of registration, which is required by December 17.
To register, call 203-899-0606, ext. 209. Location: Stepping Stones Museum for Children, Mathews Park, 303 West Ave, Norwalk.