Spirit Festival Coming to Connecticut Riverfront

Tickets are now available for Spirit Festival, a celebration of wellness, yoga, music and dance, which will be held September 13 to 15, along the Connecticut River in Hartford. Produced in affiliation with BaliSpirit Festival and Riverfront Recapture, the event will provide a safe and moving space for discovering new paths to harmony, healing, creativity and community.
Spirit Festival will feature a diverse array of offerings from conscious teachers, practitioners, performers and artists, including: a kirtan and chanting workshop with internationally celebrated yogi-musician Girish; an immersive sound bath with Integrative Sound Therapist Daniel Lauter; an opportunity to talk and practice with Maya Breuer, founder of the Yoga Retreat for Women of Color at Kripalu; a “get real” workshop with the author of the Indie Spiritualist, Chris Grosso; a grounding workshop for creating a spiritual life with Dr. Brandon Nappi; a participant-driven and technology-infused installation by New Media Artist Balam Soto; an introduction to the practice of Ashtanga Yoga with Randolph Osgood; a high energy experience of Caribbean style SocaRobix with trainer and coach Wasine Mark; children and family yoga instruction with Dragonfly Studios; and an opportunity to turn trash into instruments with Ethnomusicologist Dennis Waring.
Through beneficial and inspirational traditions of yoga, dance and music, the BaliSpirit Festival illustrates the Balinese Hindu concept of Tri Hita Karana: living in harmony with our spiritual, social and natural environments.
For more information, visit SpiritYogaFestival.com. Location: Riverside Park & Mortensen Riverfront Plaza, Hartford. See ad, page 3.