Spring Events at Institute for Holistic Health Studies

The Institute for Holistic Health Studies (IHHS) at Western Connecticut State University holds events that are free and open to the public, including meditation, wellness workshops, an Ayurveda seminar and more. Here are just some of the events they’ll be offering this spring at the WCSU Midtown Campus.
The Mudra Meditation Series is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. The dates for this year are: March 12, April 9, May 14, June 11, July 9, August 13, September 10, October 8, November 12 and December 10. Mudra Meditation takes place at Warner Hall, Room 103.
An upcoming Wellness Wednesday Workshop, held at 12:30pm, March 27, will highlight “Environmental Health Where You Call Home”, presented by Marcia Kendall, MA, WCSU faculty and Holistic Lifestyle and Ecotherapy Coach. All Wellness Wednesday workshops are held in White Hall, Room 127.
IHHS also offers evening programs, including “Ayurveda: An Art of Healthy Living”, presented by Jaya Daptadar, Ayurveda and Healthcare Business Consultant, and CEO and founder of Active Ayurveda and Yoga LLC, held at 7pm, March 26, at White Hall, Room 127.
The fourth annual Health, Fitness and Wellness Fair will take place from noon to 3pm, April 2, at the Berkshire Gym.
For more information, email [email protected] or visit WCSU.edu/IHHS. All events mentioned here will take place at the WCSU Midtown Campus, 181 White St, Danbury.