The Angel Cooperative Celebrates March with Reiki Classes

Ridgefield’s The Angel Cooperative offers inspirational and healing events every day. In March, these will include a Reiki Level 2 class with Maria Davis on March 3 at 1pm. In the four-hour class, understand more about auras, Reiki sacred symbols, distance healing, cellular memory, clearing past traumas and unwanted patterns, and more. There will be an attunement to the Reiki 2 energy. There will also be a healing session, and a certificate will be awarded upon completion. The cost is $300 per person. You must be certified in Reiki 1 before taking Reiki 2.
On March 10 at 1pm, Davis will teach Master Level Reiki. The Reiki level 3 class covers master sacred symbols, how to do an attunement, how to teach Reiki, and an understanding
of chakras eight through 12. You will receive an attunement to the Reiki 3 energy and a certificate will be awarded upon completion. You must have completed Reiki Level 1 and 2
before taking this class. Preregistration is required. The four-hour class is $350 per person.
Healer’s Circle in the Shungite Room, led by Gene Krackehl, will return on March 13 at 6:30pm. This event is for healers only. It is $20 per participant. You will have the opportunity to participate in this event while working on and being worked on by other healers in a friendly, safe, supportive and encouraging environment. You will be working in chairs and yoga mats, not massage tables. Dress comfortably. Prior registration is required as space is limited. The two-hour class takes place on the second Wednesday of the month.
For more information, call 203-431-2959 or visit Location: 51 Ethan Allen Hwy (Rte 7), Ridgefield. See ad, page 15.