Reboot the Mind to Increase Vitality

Amarjot Kaur
The 30-day Vital Mind Reset workshop is a six-part Sunday series with Amarjot Kaur (Anne Donovan). Starting January 6 at Yoga for Everybody in Fairfield, this 30-day program consists of a whole-body overhaul through nourishment, detoxification, and emotional and spiritual support.
First, you will remove known allergens and inflammatory foods so all that remains is a diet your body can recognize. This includes seasonal vegetables, fruit, pasture-raised meats and healthy fats. After the first phase comes the detoxification part. You will rid the body and your home of products containing harmful chemicals. The third component is spiritual support through a powerful kundalini yoga and meditation practice.
Included in this program is one free kundalini yoga class per week, daily meditations provided by Kaur, and a private Facebook group for continued support between sessions. A must-read prior to the workshop is A Mind of Your Own by Kelly Brogan. The book can be purchased at Yoga for Everybody.
The cost of the workshop is $210 for all six sessions if paid by December 30, and $240 thereafter. No drop-ins are allowed. The class runs from 10am to noon from January 6 through February 10.
Kaur is a KRI Level 1-certified kundalini yoga instructor, a CTI-certified life coach and a level 2 shamballa multi-dimensional healer.
For more information and to register, visit Location: Yoga for Everybody, 27 Unquowa Rd, Fairfield.