Environmental Forum in Woodbury

Roger J. Kuhns, PhD, an Earth scientist working on the front lines of emerging environmental policy, will present "The Climate Crisis: What’s Really Going On and Is There Anything We Can Do About It?", on January 14 at 7pm, at the Greater Woodbury Environmental Forum in Woodbury. Kuhns is the lead author of Navigating the Energy Maze—The Transition to a Sustainable Future. Kuhns is also the Connecticut State Coordinator for Citizens Climate Lobby, and a writer, scientist, filmmaker and performer.
The event will be held in Mattatuck Unitarian Universalist Society’s Fellowship Hall. Sunday services are held every Sunday at 11:15am at the Mattatuck Unitarian Universalist Society. Religious education for children and youth and nursery care are provided September through June. A mixed-age group meets during the summer months for summer religious exploration activities.
For more information, call 203-266-4810, or visit MUUSCT.org or Tinyurl.com/RogerKuhnsCT. Location: Mattatuck Unitarian Universalist Society, 214 Main St South, Woodbury.