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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

January 2019 Letter From Publisher

Nicole Miale, Publisher

This year’s January edition hits the stands during a time of heightened anxiety and stress for many, whether it’s due to global, national or local concerns. We’re coming off the holiday season as well, a period of gatherings, festivities, family and friends, but when there are also unwelcome stressors, such as difficult relationship dynamics, unrealistic expectations, poor food and beverage choices, and overwhelm.

The sad truth is that sometimes it seems to be human nature to complain or place judgment and blame on others when we don’t get what we want. As a species we exhibit a “default” tendency to get emotionally wrapped up in a situation, often causing us to miss golden opportunities to step away or diffuse tensions. With increased focus on winning, chances for true co-creation dwindle. That’s such a shame because finding narrow common ground and inhabiting a space of gratitude are the things that will support development of reasonable compromise and continue to raise the vibration of all enterprises. 

Natural Awakenings’ focus is on solutions, not problems. Resisting the sensational in favor of the meaningful, our articles seek to educate and inform readers about timely issues impacting mind, body and spirit. We work to provide actionable inspiration and spotlight people who are making a difference across the nation and in the local communities we serve. 2019 marks Natural Awakenings’ 25th anniversary in the United States (that was the original edition in Naples, Florida, we’ve been in this area for 15 years this year!); our mission has never been more important than now. 

With all this as a backdrop, we focused our January issue on mental wellness, offering suggestions and tools to keep our minds sharp and increase our ability to weather the messiness of life with a measure of equanimity. We look at many options for self-care, how to recognize risks of addiction, examine how best to address a friend or loved one who is struggling with mental illness, and contemplate natural ways to keep our minds healthy as we age. There are many pathways for positive change and alternatives to drugs to manage depression, anxiety and other common conditions. We hope you find comfort and inspiration in our offerings this month. 

Looking ahead, the February issue is our annual Natural Living Directory; please be in touch soon if you would like your business or practice to be included in the biggest issue of the year! Distributed for the rest of 2019, the directory issue shines the spotlight on the practitioners and businesses that make this area such a vital place to live and be. Don’t miss your chance to be included in this key reference guide! The final deadline for the directory issue is January 12th. 

Wishing you all a vibrant and meaningful 2019, full of love, laughter and purpose.

With love and light,


Coming in April
Deadline March 12th. Email [email protected] today for details and to reserve your space.

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