Wellness Practitioners Gathering Together

CT Health and Wellness Practitioners is an evolving group supporting, educating, empowering and collaborating healing compassionate practitioners from medical professionals to holistic providers. The common link is that all practice from a place of compassion and empathy.
The growing community will be hosting its first evening gathering on May 4 from 6:30 to 9pm at Monroe Congregational Church in Monroe, with live music by Crystal Cymbology, a talk and discussion on the importance of community with Natural Awakenings’ publisher Nicole Miale, soulful networking, and an opportunity for a group rate for a head shot by a professional photographer.
Every Wednesday at 9:30am, join the Facebook group for live interviews with practitioners. They discuss topics such as honoring yourself through the messy parts of life, empowerment of your inner healer, living a life in service and more. The April speakers are Rob Martin, LMT, BCSI; Diane Fraser Maglione, RN; and Zan Curfman.
For more information, call 203-491-7581 or visit CTWellness.weebly.com. To join the group and events, visit Facebook.com/groups/157452858023325/about/. Event location: Monroe
Congregational Church, 34 Church St, Monroe.