Transformative Coach Training Program to Start

If you have ever thought about becoming a life coach, or wish to enhance your skills in your current profession, The Graduate Institute is launching its Transformative Coach Training program this month. Earn an associate certified coach credential in a four-month on-site program focusing on a transformative way of being while in relationship with self and others. The Bethany-based trainings will take place October 13 to 15, November 18 to 19 and December 16 to 17, in addition to the January 13 to 14, 2018 weekend.
The inspiring modules include pathways to transformation; inner passion, vision and overcoming challenges; the exploration of perspectives; being in the present moment; subpersonalities and parts work (internal family systems); how to utilize somatic wisdom and read energy; and group and individual mentoring.
The coach trainer, Guthrie Sayen, PhD, is the co-founder and lead trainer of Transformative Coach Training, senior faculty for Coaching for Transformation (CFT), and former faculty at True Purpose Institute. She has done trainings in internal family systems for Voice Dialogue, psychosynthesis, Four Archetypes coaching and more.
The application fee is $60. The total tuition is $3,168, which is divided into four payments. Discounts are available for The Graduate Institute alumnus. Tuition for the Transformative Coaching includes three one-on-one mentor coaching sessions (required for the Associate Certified Coach credential) with Guthrie Sayen, PCC. You will become qualified for the ACC Professional Coach designation from the International Coach Federation.
For more information, call 203-874-4252, email [email protected] or visit Location: 171 Amity Rd, Bethany. See ad, page 43.