Program to Feed Those in Need and Furry Best Friends

There’s a new spiritual community working hard to help those in need. TAS, Inc.’s mission is to use the “food as medicine” principle to provide clean, healthy, locally sourced food to those in need through a BOGO system. Those who are able will buy one meal (tax-deductible donation) and TAS, Inc. d/b/a Julie Taboolie’s Community Food Outreach will then give one meal to an individual in need, along with food for his or her companion animal. Many times individuals in financial distress will choose to feed their furry best friend instead of themselves. TAS, Inc. wants to remedy that so all humans and furry best friends are fed in the Woodbury, Southbury, Bethlehem, Middlebury and Watertown areas. Their ultimate goal is to purchase a mobile restaurant and/or food delivery system to make this mission possible.
In Woodbury, TAS, Inc. will hold a fundraiser to support their cause, from 6 to 9pm, October 21. King Solomon’s Lodge #7 of Woodbury is the sponsor and location. Why should kids have all the Halloween fun? Get a babysitter, put on your best retro 1960s or 1970s-themed costume and enjoy the festivities. There will be food by Labonne’s Markets, prizes and a raffle. Tickets are on sale at Advance adult tickets are $25, and seniors and veterans are $20.
With inspiration from the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaji) and Ram Dass, the TAS, Inc. community has been working on a small scale until now as they awaited their 501(c)3 nonprofit determination. As of March 16, they became official and are working toward full implementation of their community dinner program.
For more information, call 203-263-3176, visit, or connect on Facebook and Twitter. Location: King Solomon’s Lodge #7, 14 Park Rd, Woodbury.