Neurofeedback Workshop in Ridgefield

Join Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge, EdD, BCN, LPC, for a free workshop on October 17 about how non-medication alternatives can support brain, mental and physical health. Neurofeedback therapy is a powerful, safe, non-medication treatment for common childhood and adult issues and disorders.
From 7 to 8:30pm, come learn how a QEEG (brain mapping) works, what neurofeedback therapy is like and how it could benefit you or your child. The latest technology will be discussed, including advanced bioregulation therapy (BRT), which combines PEMF and biofeedback to promote healing. All attendees will receive a $100 coupon toward a brain mapping; this offer only applies to new clients.
Capanna-Hodge is a Connecticut-certified school psychologist, a licensed professional counselor and a board-certified neurofeedback provider with more than 20 years working with children, teens, adults and parents. She currently has private practice offices in Ridgefield and Newtown.
For more information and to register for the event, visit Location: 898 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ste 6, Ridgefield. See ad, page 16.