The Alexander Technique Comes to Stratford

Joan Frost
Beginning June 2, Joan Frost, MAmSAT, will be teaching a five-week introductory Alexander Technique class at The Baldwin Center in Stratford. The century-old method focuses on posture and movement re-education. Our daily movement patterns—such as how we sit, stand, eat or walk—result in what we think of as posture. When our habits inadvertently work against us and cause pain or discomfort, it bears bringing these patterns to consciousness.
Frost has been teaching the technique for the past 34 years in the greater metropolitan area and has a private practice in Stratford. She is a former director of teacher certification at The American Center for the Alexander Technique in New York City. She has taught at The Juilliard School and at Sarah Lawrence College, was a presenter for The Arthritis Foundation, and also teaches at a medical facility in White Plains.
For more information, call 203-386-9282, email [email protected] or visit For the group class, contact the Baldwin Center at 203-385-4050.